2023 Design Awards: Precision Agriculture Center by EAPC

Awarded 2023 AIASD Merit AwardContent and photos provided by EAPC Architects Engineers Innovative Agriculture Meets Modern Architecture at SDSUExploring the Raven Precision Agriculture Center’s Award-Winning Design and Sustainability Features The architectural design of one of the newest buildings on the South Dakota State University (SDSU) campus recently received a Merit Award from the South Dakota …

Our Buildings Are Boxes | Are Building Our Boxes?

Why box-style architecture is bad… For my final post this month, I’ll return to more traditional and much loved past-time of mine, that is, criticism of bad architecture. We’ve got a problem around here. Our buildings are boxes. Or so many an architect (including me) would say. And its not necessarily localized to “here” per …

AIA SD celebrates 2023 Nominated Awards

Each year, AIA SD presents two nominated awards, the Legacy Award, recognizing an AIA South Dakota member for a lifetime of leadership and dedication to architecture, the profession and the community and the Young Architect Award, recognizing an AIA South Dakota member in their early career who have shown exceptional leadership in their contributions to …


Nationally recognized architect to speak at Augustana UniversityTuesday, September 26th 6:30pm Nationally recognized architect Pascale Sablan, FAIA, NOMA, will speak at Augustana University on Tuesday, Sept. 26 as part of SAY IT LOUD South Dakota, an exhibition spotlighting the contributions of women and diverse designers to South Dakota’s built environment. Sablan’s lecture, which begins at …

AIA South Dakota convention 2023: Now and Next

In two weeks, on MONDAY, September 25th and TUESDAY, September 26th, the architects and design professionals of South Dakota will be gathering for the AIA South Dakota annual convention to network, learn, collaborate, celebrate exceptional design and individuals within the industry in our state, commemorate the history of our design community as well as elevate …

AFFORDABLE HOUSING | A cyclic conversation without resolution  

  With rapid population growth developers, designers, contractors, and finance are at work to provide adequate housing supply. Housing is required to facilitate the recruitment and retention of the influx of the workforce. Yes, housing is in high demand. Yes, we need to accommodate the influx. But – are we planning for the long-term impact …

Say It Loud: South Dakota Submissions Live

In collaboration with Beyond the Built Environment and Pascale Sablan, FAIA, a local collection of South Dakota design professionals across the built environment are excited to announce submissions are now LIVE for this fall’s SAY IT LOUD: South Dakota exhibit, an exhibition elevating the contributions of women and diverse architects, engineers, interior designers, landscape architects, …