Each year, AIA SD presents two nominated awards, the Legacy Award, recognizing an AIA South Dakota member for a lifetime of leadership and dedication to architecture, the profession and the community and the Young Architect Award, recognizing an AIA South Dakota member in their early career who have shown exceptional leadership in their contributions to the architectural profession in South Dakota.
Legacy Award

This year’s 2023 Legacy Award honors Patricia Acevedo Fuentes AIA, NCI CS, a partner/architect with Joseph David Associates in Rapid City. Acevedo Fuentes served on the AIA South Dakota Board of Directors, holding the title as president of the organization from 2018 to 2019. She also served nationally on AIA’s Strategic Council and Member Value Task Force and was a Bush Foundation fellow in 2021-2023.
“Patri’s contributions to the design community, specifically within her rehabilitation projects, have consistently enhanced the growth of the communities within the rural settings she works within. Her sensitivities to the local resources as well as social impact further enhance the ability to provide elegant and creative design solutions for all. Through the design process itself, her cultural awareness allows for a broader range of perspectives to join the design conversation and she works to elevate all in the conversation to create more equitable and inclusive design.” Nominated by Allison Dvorak, AIA, NCARB, CHPC
Past AIA SD Legacy Award winners:
2017 – Alan “Dick” Dempster, AIA, LEED AP
2018 – Paul Boerboom, AIA
2019 – Jeff Hazard, AIA
2020 – Ward Whitwam, FAIA
Young Architect

AIA South Dakota named Jared Carda, AIA, Associate Principal Architect with CO-OP Architecture in Rapid City, as its 2023 South Dakota Young Architect. Carda, who grew up in Wagner and holds a Masters of Architecture and Bachelor of Architectural Studies from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, serves on the AIA South Dakota Board of Directors and the South Dakota Board of Technical Professions.
“Jared has made several contributions to our profession through leadership in state organizations, contributions to design in South Dakota, and management of an architecture office that elevates the quality of the built environment in South Dakota. His involvement includes: Serving on boards for Habitat for Humanity in Aberdeen and Rapid City, AIA SD Board of Directors, and South Dakota Board of Technical Professions. It takes someone with dedication and determination to contribute to the profession in so many ways, and I have to say Jared has gone above and beyond in his role as a South Dakota architect.” Nominated by Cassie Pospishil, AIA Associate (soon to be licensed architect)
Past AIA SD Young Architect Award winners:
2017 – Andrew Eitreim, AIA, CDT, LEEP AP BD+C
2018 – Allison Dvorak, AIA, NCARB, CPHC
2019 – Sara Lum
2021 – Robert Artl, AIA, CPHC and Chase Kramer, AIA, NCARB, LEED GA
2022 – Angela Boersma, AIA

The Communication Committee is comprised of volunteers of AIA South Dakota and are dedicated to the mission of the Blueprint South Dakota blog. Our goal is to build strong South Dakota communities and to connect ideas and expertise to address challenges in our state. Through the curated content of this site, we want to find a blueprint for better cities and towns.