Preventing Staff Turnover in an Increasingly Competitive Market

With a comparatively limited stock of industry professionals, Midwest design firms continuously struggle with difficulties caused by staff turnover.  The American Institute of Architects (AIA) recently posted an article addressing this issue, and in it, they indicate that the largest turnover rates are found among emerging and mid-career professionals.  Given the state of the industry, …

Rural Resiliency in Abandoned Homes of South Dakota

By Abby Bischoff Resiliency is baked into South Dakota. Our long winters and people whose livelihood is dependant on the land have left a culture of tough and adaptable people.  Those resilient hands built themselves homes as steadfast as themselves.  I’ve spent the last seven years documenting the abandoned farm homes of South Dakota. I’ve …

2019 Young Architect Award Recipient Spotlight – Sara Lum

Every year AIA SD recognizes one architect who has made an impact on their community and serves as an ideal role model for other emerging professionals. This year AIA SD was honored to award one architect in particular who has made it her mission to advance design throughout the state by volunteering her time, and …

Masterplanning: The Path to the Future

Many cities across the nation are fortunate to be experiencing an influx of population with growing businesses and economic development.  The Midwest is no exception. However, there are often growing pains associated with rapid expansion – especially when time and space are tight.  Having a masterplan to help direct and provide a guideline for future …

Dignity Through Design: Better Serving a Diverse Population

By Andria Bender, RN The Americans with Disabilities Act will turn 30 next year, and the landmark legislation greatly improved accommodations for persons with disabilities. The regulations set a clear expectation that everyone deserves to be present, active, and engaged in our society. ADA guidelines serve as a reminder for architects, engineers, and interior designers …

A Debt to LEGO

When CNN (or any other mainstream news agency) shares something about architecture, I’m always interested. This was an nice “fluffy” find this weekend: I’m one of those architects who owe a debt to LEGO for sparking and fostering a curiosity about the built environment from an early age. This sentiment is fairly pervasive in …