For over 35 years I have had the pleasure of working with Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers, and Landscape Architects as they have used their unique perspective and skill sets in creating our built environment. The Sioux Falls Arts Council (SFAC) Board includes members with backgrounds in law, business, human resources, arts, education, architecture and engineering. For a …
Artists show us how to keep learning
We hear a lot about the importance of lifetime learning—growing our brainpower and appreciation of the world around us by adding knowledge and new skills as we age. Artists are doing that constantly, providing inspiration and a good example for all of us. As a performing musician, I’m aware of how critical it is for …
Hashtag: TogetherWeArt
How a global pandemic changed the Sioux Falls Arts Council The warm days of summer have all but disappeared, kids are back in school, and we are all finding our new strides in a post pandemic world. It is hard to look back at the last three years and remember “what we were doing in …
The Importance of Expertise in Creating and Supporting Municipal Cultural Growth
The City of Sioux Falls has provided support for nonprofit arts and cultural organizations for decades. It was instrumental in the development of the Washington Pavilion, and continues to own the facility while leasing it to a nonprofit corporation that operates its performing, visual arts and science center. It owns the Orpheum Theatre, home of …
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An open Letter to Blueprint South Dakota’s Committee
Dear Blueprint South Dakota Committee, I wanted to thank you for approaching the Sioux Falls Arts Council to host the Blueprint South Dakota blog for a second time. Back in October of 2020 we had the opportunity to host the blog and used that time to explore the many intersections between the arts and architecture. …
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Final thoughts from the Sioux Falls Arts Council
Over the last month we have had the privilege of sharing on the Blueprint South Dakota platform a variety of contributors from the local arts community. We hope to have sparked or fanned the flame for architects to incorporate the arts into their daily practice. We implore you to reach out next time you… …want …
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8 Reasons Why Architecture Needs More Artists
Before I offend the very audience that I hope to persuade, please allow me to clarify something up front… if there’s any debate surrounding whether architecture is a form of art, I am firmly planted in the “yes” camp. I also believe that many architects are, in fact, artists. Though, having spent the last 15+ …
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Harmonizing – Designing with Music in Mind (Part II)
Practical considerations for designing performance spaces, from a performer, designer, and consumer; Part II On Monday’s post, we covered some basic visual aspects of music performance spaces design. However, the key purpose of these spaces is for hearing, and for that an understanding of architectural acoustics is warranted. When it comes to acoustics, we are …
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Harmonizing – Designing With Music in Mind
Practical considerations for designing performance spaces, from a performer, designer, and consumer; Part 1 Before reading, take a quick break and enjoy some music “He watching over Israel” Mendelssohn, Elijah Op. 70 Just a month ago I had the privilege of being able to hear a live choir at the 11 a.m. Mass at St. …
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Incorporating the Arts into Architecture
“The science of government is my duty to study, more than all other sciences; the arts of legislation and administration and negotiation ought to take the place of, indeed exclude, in a manner, all other arts. I must study politics and war, so that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our …