Sioux Falls: Sustainability and Climate Action Plan

Last week, the city of Sioux Falls moved into the third and final community engagement phase of the new Sustainability and Climate Action Plan.

Public comments are open from March 1- March 21.

Community Engagement Phase 3
Early 2022. Public comment period of the written Plan.
To obtain and incorporate as applicable final comment from the public on the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan.

This phase follows the previous community engagement session including an online sustainability survey in April 2021 and an open house in October 2021.

Image from the City of Sioux Falls Sustainability and Climate Action.

According to the City of Sioux Falls Sustainability and Climate Action website, “More than 1,300 people took the Sustainability Survey in April. Results indicate respondents are concerned about sustainability and environmental problems and support action. Findings include:

  • 88% of respondents are concerned (46%) or very concerned (42%) about sustainability and environmental issues.
  • 88% are concerned (40%) or very concerned (48%) about harm from environmental hazards in our region, including water and air pollution, hotter temperatures, flooding, droughts, and agricultural pests and diseases.
  • 93% state it is important (35%) or very important (58%) that Sioux Falls addresses sustainability and environmental issues.
  • 84% think sustainability and environmental issues affect their life a great deal (39%) or a moderate amount (45%).
  • 95% think sustainability and environmental issues will affect future citizens a great deal (77%) or a moderate amount (18%).

This plan will focus efforts on Natural Systems, Transportation and Land Use, Energy and Buildings, Community Vitality and Sustainable Living, Sustainable Economy, and Materials Management and Waste to meet a 45% emission reduction by 2030 and become Net-zero emissions by 2050.

View the draft of the Sustainability and Climate Action Plan and add comments to the City of Sioux Falls website or Provide Comments Here by March 21, 2022.

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