To AIA South Dakota members and associates, partners, and citizens of South Dakota,
We mourn with our neighbors in Minnesota. We mourn with all states and communities who have been affected by these injustices in the last days, weeks, years, and lifetimes. There are no words to express the sorrow felt for those who are in pain, anguish, and are suffering by the systemic racial injustices within our country.
AIA South Dakota supports those who are speaking out and working towards an equitable future for all. As an organization, we endeavor not to repeat past design practices that have contributed to systemic racial injustice, and we vow to do more by working with local leaders to improve the health, safety, welfare and equitable future for our citizens.
We will continue to promote design solutions that encourage equity in the built environment and celebrate the diversity within our South Dakota communities and beyond.
Educate yourself. Be involved. Stay involved.
2020 AIA South Dakota Board of Directors
Tom Hurlbert, AIA – 2020 President
Allison Dvorak, AIA – 2020 President Elect
Jeff Nelson, AIA – Secretary/Treasurer
Patri Acevedo, AIA
Keith Thompson, AIA
Jenn Johnson, AIA
Randy Fisher, AIA
John Riker, Assoc. AIA
Sienna Wegehaupt, AIA
Chase Kramer, AIA
Justin Oleson, AIA
Brian Johnson, AIA
Robert Arlt, AIA
We stand with AIA National.
AIA Board statement on systemic racial injustice

AIA South Dakota is the professional non-profit membership association of architects, future architects, and partners in the building and design industries, and the state chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) AIA South Dakota advances the mission that design matters in every South Dakota community.
I also Support this Statement. Gene Fennell AIA
Thank you for sharing this statement. This quote challenges us all to think about why we became architects. “We will continue to promote design solutions that encourage equity in the built environment and celebrate the diversity within our South Dakota communities and beyond.”
I want to positively impact my community and encouraging equity through design is one way we can work together to do that.