AIA SD celebrates 2023 Champion of Architecture


Bernie Hunhoff, Jr.Yankton, SD The AIA South Dakota Champion of Architecture Award is given to both non-architects or companies that promote the practice of architecture that help improve the built environment in our state. The recipient of the award is selected by a committee of past presidents of the South Dakota AIA.  This year’s Champion …

AIA SD Announces 2022 Champion of Architecture Award

The 2022 Champion of Architecture Award was given to Jay Vogt, who served two roles as Director of the State Historical Society and South Dakota State Historic Preservation Officer. The award was presented at the recent South Dakota American Institute of Architects state convention in Sioux Falls, SD. The award is given to non-architects or …

Road to the Register

(Cover image by Sandra Lea Dickenson, AIA Emeritus) Her name was Margaret Wellington.  She was the wife of Dr. Raynor Wellington, history professor at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion.  Margaret was a member of the building committee for a new home for the First Congregational Church in Vermillion, South Dakota (now known as …

Tarnished Idols

Many people, maybe even most people, think Frank Lloyd Wright is the greatest American architect.  Certainly, he was recognized in 1991 by the American Institute of Architects as “the greatest American architect of all time.” He is the best known and people come from all over the world to see his work.  Just two years ago, eight of his buildings were …