Addressing Behavioral Health Crises Through Architectural Solutions

As an experienced Senior Architect, I’ve been privileged to contribute to projects that have had significant societal impacts. One such pivotal project was the Sanford Bemidji Health Care Crisis Center in Minnesota. This project was more than just an exercise in architectural design. It was a mission to create a transformative environment for a community …

Designing for Safety: The Transformative Impact of CPTED in K-12 Education

As a certified safety expert, I am committed to making K-12 educational facilities safe havens for learning. In our ever-evolving world, we need to build environments that nurture growth, inspire creativity, and shield our students and staff from harm. It was this pursuit of safety that motivated me to embrace an innovative design strategy called …

A Comprehensive Analysis of Designing for Resiliency

In an ever-evolving world, each decision we make carries an extensive ripple effect, influencing not only our immediate surroundings but also shaping the wider world. Our collective awareness has grown over the years to recognize that our resources are not limitless, and that it is our shared responsibility to safeguard our planet. The next phase …

Revitalizing South Dakota State University’s First Bank & Trust Arena

There’s a certain magic in witnessing the evolution of a beloved structure, especially one as iconic as the former Jack Frost Arena, which has served as a beacon of community and athleticism at South Dakota State University since its birth in 1973. As an architect for EAPC Architects Engineers (EAPC), I had the opportunity to …