Cast your vote for the 2021 AIA SD Design Awards People’s Choice Award

AIA SD Award Winner: NSU Jewett Regional Science Education Center

This post was written and submitted by TSP, Inc. Northern State University is recognized for its teacher-education degree programs, so it was natural for NSU leaders to envision the campus’ new science building as a resource not only for college students but also for the larger area’s K-12 school districts and other organizations. The design …

AIASD Award Winner: Look’s Marketplace

This post was written and submitted by CO-OP Architecture. Look’s Marketplace Look’s Marketplace is old.  There’s an old dog-eared black and white photograph of a young Uncle so-and-so, in boots and a work cap, standing in front of a late model two-door Look’s delivery sedan looking part milk-man and part train engineer.  Maybe it’s from …