Has anyone else noticed the abundance of firm names containing initials within the architecture community? I’m sure you have. In addition to abbreviating names, Architects have their own shorthand that can often alienate our clients and general public. Some are common sense or intuitive while others are not. Today we’d like to translate some for you. We can’t address all the jargon architects like to use or get into the distinction between cement and concrete. That’s a discussion for another post. This list is just the tip of the iceberg, comment the ones we missed!
AFF – Above Finished Floor
BIM – Building Information Model (Revit is an example)
CIP – Cast in Place
CJ – Control Joint
DBL – Double
DEMO – Demolished
DWG – Drawing
CAD – Can refer to the drafting software AutoCAD or drafting in general
FEC – Fire Extinguisher Cabinet
GWB – Gypsum Wall Board (Drywall)
OSE – Office of the State Engineers
RCP – Reflected Ceiling Plan
RD – Roof Drain
RFP – Request for Proposal or Request for Pricing (depending on the context, phase of project is a pretty good indicator)
T&G – Tongue & Groove

Since graduating from Kansas State in 2012, Liz has gained experience from a variety of fields within the building industry. From drafting at a metal building manufacturer to working at architecture firms to assisting a real estate broker/developer, she has always had a passion for influencing the built environment. As an architect at Schemmer, Liz enjoys learning new things and refining her skills with help from other licensed professionals. She hopes to continue to shape the spaces and places around her in a positive way.
BOD: Basis of Design, FF&E: Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment, OPR: Owner Project Requirements, PIC: Principle in Charge, RD: Record Drawings,
RFI: Request for Information. I have 4 pages of TLA’s, how many would you like?
Thanks, Stacy! Post as many as you’d like. You’ve added some very significant ones already.