While still not really a common request by clients in our state and region, design competitions are nonetheless become more prevalent. In recent years, some competitions have been more controversial than others, with such controversy focusing more or less on how they compensate (or rather, didn’t compensate) those competing. With that said, I will cover …
Hashtag: TogetherWeArt
How a global pandemic changed the Sioux Falls Arts Council The warm days of summer have all but disappeared, kids are back in school, and we are all finding our new strides in a post pandemic world. It is hard to look back at the last three years and remember “what we were doing in …
An interview with Pascale Sablan, Architect/Advocate: Part 2
We continue the conversation with Pascale in Part 2 discussing her personal journey through the architectural industry. AD: How have you been able to see the impact of your contributions to the architectural industry? PS: First, a few years ago I was lecturing at an AIA Brooklyn event and a young woman approached me after …
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An interview with Pascale Sablan, Architect/Advocate: Part 1
It was my honor to conduct the following interview, posted in two parts, with Pascale Sablan, FAIA, an Architect/Advocate creating a diverse community network of those who impact our built environment through her organization, Beyond the Built Environment, as well as her work as an Associate at Adjaye Associates in New York City. AD: Pascale, …
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Sioux Falls Homeless Study | A Naïve Perspective
In reality, we are paying a price for homelessness and the cost saving alone should influence decisions for those who are unable to recognize the complexities of the different factors that can shape a human life. Reflecting on six years of academia at SDSU brings back many memories of spending long hours on campus, only …
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Grassroots 2021 Recap: Bring it Home, Part 1/2
Cover image by AIA National Architect, Advocate, Activist. Three words AIA members are called to be. Last week, I had the honor of attending the annual Grassroots convention hosted virtually by AIA National’s 2021 President Elect, Dan Hart, FAIA. With the theme of “Bring it Home,” this four day leadership event focused on skillsets we …
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Building on South Dakota Universities: SDSU American Indian Student Center
(This series was intended to highlight the new construction, renovation and upgrades to the state universities in South Dakota. Content was submitted by the architects of the projects or by the universities.) (Content and images submitted by TSP, Inc.) American Indians make up approximately 9 percent of South Dakota’s population—but only around 1 percent of …
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SAY IT LOUD – NOW Virtual Exhibition Submissions Due
Diversity in South Dakota matters. Representation matters. Please consider submitting for the following exhibition! The non-profit group, Beyond the Built Environment is calling for architectural design submissions from diverse architectural designers for the SAY IT LOUD – NOW Virtual Exhibition! Submission: September 1, 2020 11:59pm EST 50.00 USD Announcement of the winners: Weekly SUBMISSION: One …
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AIA South Dakota Statement- Systemic Racial Injustice
To AIA South Dakota members and associates, partners, and citizens of South Dakota, We mourn with our neighbors in Minnesota. We mourn with all states and communities who have been affected by these injustices in the last days, weeks, years, and lifetimes. There are no words to express the sorrow felt for those who are in …
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Racism is built into U.S. cities. Here’s how architects can fight back
The following article is reposted from Fast Company, by author Kimberly Dowdell, AIA, NOMA, NCARB, LEEP AP BD+C Police brutality and the coronavirus pandemic are two health crises that disproportionately impact black Americans. Architects, who take an oath to protect the “health, safety, and welfare” of the public, must be part of the solution. I …
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